share-based payment — akcijų verte pagrįstas atlygis darbuotojui statusas Aprobuotas sritis buhalterinė apskaita ir finansinė atskaitomybė apibrėžtis Pagal įmonės nuosavybės vertybinių popierių vertę darbdavio apskaičiuotas atlygis darbuotojui už atliktą darbą.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Share taxi — State / Territory / Region Name used Albania Furgon Algeria Taxis collectifs … Wikipedia
Share verification bureau — The Share Verification Bureau is a bogus organisation purporting to be based in Birmingham, Alabama, USA and involved in various advanced fee frauds in collaboration with the operators of a Boiler room (business). It operates from … Wikipedia
Payment For Order Flow — The compensation and benefit a brokerage receives by directing orders to different parties to be executed. The brokerage firm receives a small payment, usually a penny per share, as compensation for directing the order to the different parties.… … Investment dictionary
share — One of a number of titles of ownership in a company. Most companies are limited by shares, enabling investors to limit their liability if the company fails to the amount paid for (or owing on) the shares. A share is a chose in action, conferring… … Big dictionary of business and management
Payment for ecosystem services — Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), also known as Payments for Environmental Services (or Benefits) broadly defined, is the practice of offering incentives to farmers or landowners in exchange for managing their land to provide some sort of… … Wikipedia
share — One of a number of titles of ownership in a company. Most companies are limited by shares, thus if a company fails an investor has a liability that is limited to the amount paid for (or owing on) the shares. A share confers on its owner a legal… … Accounting dictionary
share lease — A lease providing for the payment of grain or crop rent. See share rent; share tenant … Ballentine's law dictionary
share-for-share offer — paper bid A takeover bid in which the directors of one company offer shares in that company as the payment for acquiring the shares in the target company. If the offer is accepted the shareholders of both companies will become the owners of the… … Big dictionary of business and management
share-warrant to bearer — A warrant or certificate of a corporation, stating that the bearer of the warrant is entitled to a certain number or amount of fully paid up shares or stock. Coupons for payment of dividends may be annexed to it. Delivery of the share warrant… … Black's law dictionary
share warrant to bearer — A warrant or certificate of a corporation, stating that the bearer of the warrant is entitled to a certain number or amount of fully paid up shares or stock. Coupons for payment of dividends may be annexed to it. Delivery of the share warrant… … Black's law dictionary